Roblox Tank to With Blue and Red Strips
watch 02:34
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes - The Loop
Infectious Smile is a horror game created by Laughablehaha in which players try to stop an infection that induces players to become hostile. The infection will cause players to have the Winning Smile face.
The game includes a few stages with rooms, and white "lava bricks" (known as Infecting Light) formed by camera stands that the player will automatically become "infected". There are orange "lava bricks" (known as Depressing Light) which will kill infected people, but non-infected's are able to go through. The main part of the game is to survive the earthquake by controlling the tower at the end of the map, which houses a safezone that protects players against the earthquake. In the spawn area, humans can obtain a main weapon and the glass bottle, which is the main way to counter smilers. Once a smile dies, they go back to spawn and turn back into human, unless infected again. If a smile gets damaged, they are stunned and unable to move for a few frames. In order for smiles to infect people, they must grab them, then either wait to get their health to incredibly low or take them to the white "lava bricks". The person who was grabbed will then get infected. If a person is grabbed by a smile, another person can attack the smile in order for the grabbed person to escape. You will be unable to reset (It has an ability on mobile but does not have functionality) nor use weapons (except the knife and the handgun) when grabbed by a smile.
Smile Appearance
Smiles always have the Winning Smile face, with its head moving directions, noticing to see humans, making it into a sort of 'compass' to locate the nearest human. While often you will be a standard smiler, you may receive one of the following mutations:
- Overseer Smiler - This allows you to see all smiler and human locations marked with a semi transparent white or orange brick, respectively. You will be given a big head (not the item) when you receive this mutation. You will keep the big head when you are cured with the swamp of sadness.
- Tank Smiler - If less than 20% of the server is smilers, each smiler receives a buff in the form of more health, shown by a red aura and winning smile face particles. However, this doesn't disappear when using an invisibility potion. When a smiler is given this buff, they will receive the following red text on screen:
- You are endangered...
- Speedy Smiler - You will be given a speed potion upon infection. You can drink it at any time and you will be given a small speed boost. You will also be given a small yellow aura and winning smile particles. The effect is lost on death.
- Jumpy Smiler - You will be given a jump potion upon infection. You can drink it at any time and you will be given a large jump boost. You will also be given a small green aura and winning smile particles. The effect is lost on death.
- Taser Smiler - You will be given a taser upon infection. You can use it to temporarily stun a human and also inflict some damage.
Mutations are also compatible with each other, so you may encounter a smiler who is an overseer, a tank, has both potions and a taser!
Normal Smile
Overseer Smile
Overseer smile after they get cured
Smile Coins
Smile Coins is the currency in Infectious Smile. They are obtained from hitting smiles and grabbing/infecting humans. They are also dropped upon the Giant's death, where they will appear in the stage and the player may pick them up for 3 Smile Coins each. Smile Coins are used to purchase crates to unlock various skins for weapons.
Ways To Get Smile Coins
- Every time a player hits a smile, they receive 1S.
- If a smile is grabbing a human, they will receive 1S every tick as they drain their health and 5S if they successfully infect them.
- Beating the Giant boss and collecting the smiling circles that are looking at you, though sometimes it can spawn under the staircase not allowing you to get it.
- Collecting the physical coin which spawns above the pit in the Lumbermill map every time a plank falls in.
- If a player that a smile infects resets or leaves while their health is being drained, the smile will recieve 5S.
- Handgun (or just Gun) - Able to take down smiles at long distance. It can also be used to shoot at a smile grabbing a player. The gun is able to down a smile in 10 shots, but due the game's quick health regeneration mechanic, it may take more shots if they do not land in quick succession. The Gun is a Standard USP.45 as stated in the item's description. The gun may be obtained from the Gun Factory or Steam Room, where it will spawn with 25 bullets, or purchased at spawn for 40 robux, where it will have 150 bullets.
A player holding the gun
Guns in the gun box
- Hatchet - It can deal with smiles from a distance. Hatchets can be obtained at the end of The Forest Stage, the kitchen in The Cabin or at the start of the conveyor in The Plank Factory. As long as the player does not already have the Hatchet, and the Hatchet is not on cooldown, the player may obtain an infinite number of Hatchets. Up to four Hatchets may be thrown before the player must grab more. The hatchet is able to kill a Smiling in four hits, but three is enough to bring them to near- death, allowing the player to finish them off using any other weapon.
Important note: Due to hitboxes, a direct hit on a smiler by a hatchet may not be counted by the game. Camera angles may also drastically affect where hatchets are thrown. Use wisely.
- Shotgun - A short-medium ranged weapon. To get it, you must go to the Laser Hall. Once you cross the left side of the stage, you will find a doorway. If you go up the ladder in the room across the hallway, and down the hole, you will drop into a room with the shotgun on a wall. As soon as you get it you can leave by climbing the steps to the hole that leads outside. You can also obtain one from the Cave Obby, by going to the left. It is on the wall but can only be accessed if the lava is lowered.
- Bat - Obtainable from Rob or the Bat Box in both the Spawn and The Fortress. The Bat has a durability of ten hits until breaking. Due to the Bat's slow swing speed and low damage, it's more often a tool to escape from chasing smiles, or a weapon to use in groups.
Bats in the bat box
Bat being held by the player
A bat with a different skin
- Bottle - Obtained by Rob. The Bottle may be used two times before breaking. Upon landing the first hit, the Smiling will be stunned and the bottle will shatter in half. The next hit will break the bottle completely, but will ragdoll the Smiling in return. The ragdoll feature can be used to knock smiles into Depressing Light or anything else harmful to them. The player may only obtain a bottle from Rob every 60 seconds. An experienced human may be able to deal serious damage to a smiler using both it and a bat.
- Branch - purchasable from Rob since the 2/3/2021 update. Upon reaching level 5, the player may purchase the Branch for 1500S, replacing the bat in the container next to Rob. The Branch lowers the player's movement speed, but in return, it hits hard and has a long stun. On top of that, it has a long active hitbox, making up for the fact that it has a long swing cooldown. The Branch has 4 durability points, and upon landing the final hit, the Branch will break and knock down the enemy. This weapon is the easiest weapon to combo with other weapons due to how long it stuns smilers so use this well to your advantage.
Holding the branch
Branch box
- Katana - A swift melee weapon. It is a purchasable weapon modifier from the shop since the 2/3/2021 update that will replace what Rob gives you at spawn. To purchase the Katana, the player must have 3000S available. The Spear slightly decreases the player's movement speed and has a durability of 17 hits. Because of the Katana's fast swing speed and higher than average durability, it suffers in damage and stun, unable to kill a Smiler at full health even when using up the entire Katana. There is a glitch that happens when you hit a smiler with your katana when they are grabbing someone. This glitch increases their walkspeed. There is also another glitch that happens with the Katana. However this glitch is useless; When you swing The Katana, the active hitbox stays forever. This might help you somehow.
Holding the Katana
Katana box
- Spear - A melee weapon which is used as a long ranged weapon. It is a purchasable weapon modifier from the shop since the 25/4/2021 update that will replace what Rob gives you at spawn. The Spear slightly decreases the player's movement speed and has a durability of 17 hits. to balance the long range, it suffers in damage and stun, and can only be viable when considering provoking a smiler who is camping on a camera zone, The spear also has a tendency to glitch and break, meaning that it will not function as a weapon. You may switch to another weapon if this happens.
- Knife - It has two purposes, to escape from a smile's grab and to serve as a swift weapon able to stunlock the smile. The knife is able to down a smile in nine hits and has a durability of ten hits until breaking. When grabbed, the player may use the knife to escape. Be wary not to spam the knife while escaping, as you could accidentally use up the knife more during your escape. The escape itself will take three durability points, allowing the player to escape a maximum of four times. There are three ways to get the knife:
- The Knife Stage will have a knife stuck to a pink glowing brick. In order to grab it, the player must be near the brick. It can be obtained an infinite number of times so long as the player does not already have a knife in their inventory and an invisible timer must expire.
- If you buy the V.I.P pass for 300 robux, you will spawn with a knife in your inventory.
- The knife can be bought for 15 robux at the spawn. This is a product purchase and the knife will be lost upon it breaking or the player dying. When obtaining the knife this way, the knife will have 30 durability instead of 10, allowing the player to attack with the knife 30 times or escape a grab 10 times.
- Ice Potion - A one-time use weapon exclusively obtained from the Freezer Room and the Chiller. After throwing the Ice Potion, it will freeze smiles that comes into contact with its AOE for a short period of time. Only one Ice Potion will spawn in the Ice Room. After it is obtained by the player, it will not respawn. A recent update allowed smiles to use potions. If a smile uses the ice potion, nearby humans will be frozen instead.
- Invisibility Potion - A one-time use weapon obtained from The Cabin. It is found in a room in the first floor next to the bed. After using the Invisibility Potion the human will go invisible for 10 seconds. After using the invisibility you must die to use it again. Since the recent update, smiles now have the ability to use this potion, along with the Ice Potion.
- Speed Potion - A one-time-use weapon randomly given to smilers upon infection. It will grant the smiler a small speed boost when drunk and also give them a yellow aura and particles.
- Jump Potion - A one-time-use weapon randomly given to smilers upon infection. It will grant the smiler a large jump boost when drunk and also give them a green aura and particles.
- Protest Sign - A gear given to smilers. It is a wooden sign with a Winning Smile face on it. However, a smiler can change either the text or image on the sign for 20S, as well as place it down. It will despawn upon a new cycle or if the smiler who placed it dies.
- Taser - It was the first-ever weapon to be added to the game as a weapon for the smiles. The location of the Taser was beside the Fort, within the side passageway of the mountain, and could be accessed by going through the red smile portal or simply walking over the Infecting Lights which prevent Humans from accessing the area easily. The Taser was a one-use weapon and could be used to stun humans, damaging them in the process. In the 2/4/2021 update, it was temporarily removed as it was too easy to obtain. As of the Summer update, it was re-added. Now, you have a small chance to obtain it when infected.
- Conveyor Room - This room features two long conveyors, an orange laser panels, and two buttons. The conveyors can either be green or red, but it is determined by the switches at the start and end of this room. There are a few obstacles on the conveyors (Camera zones and the laser panel). Going on the right conveyor from the start will open up to a small room where you can get a bat, even if you are not using the bat as a main weapon.
- Disco Room - The stage where players may play Audio IDs using the boombox in the room. Upon entering the stage, the player will be able to hear what audio is playing. In the middle of the room is a raised stage where the player may parkour to the power box. The power box can enable and disable the disco tiles and the boombox present in the room, making it safe for everyone to travel through. Orange tiles act as Depressing Light and white tiles act as Infecting Light. Originally, the default song was 'Raining Tacos' but it was changed due to repeated spam of it. Important note: The tiles follow a unique pattern each round as well as a specific colour rotation. After a tile turns blue, it will immediately turn white after a short delay. As a human, use this to your advantage to avoid becoming a smile. On the contrary, when a tile becomes green, step off of it as a smiler, as it becomes orange right after.
- Double Slope - This room features one conveyor slope with a wall splitting it in two, in which boulders will frequently spawn and roll down. At the end of the slope there is a portion of camera zone and then a walkway. There is a pipe which connects the walkway to a part under the slopes, where there are trusses, yellow conveyors and two walls.
- Foliage Room - This room features many overgrown plants, some pillars and a metal wall and gate. There is a ladder on each side of the wall which you can use to open and close the gate. The pillars also have ladders on them and are connected by planks.
- Forest Room - This room features a bunch of platforms and tree trunks, forming a small obby. At the end, you are rewarded with the hatchet. There is a difficult shortcut which can be used to escape smilers. The obby was heavily nerfed as the camera zone was a full line, there were less starting trunks and an 11 stud jump.
- The Chiller - The stage that allows players to obtain the ice potion. A minimum of two players is required to reach the ice potion inside of the chamber as someone needs to activate the button controlling the barriers. Staying too long inside the chamber will kill the player, freezing them to death. When trying to get the potion, there will be a single ice wall blocking your path. When the button is pressed, one will disappear where as the other will appear. Using this button, the two people must have good teamwork if they want to succeed in getting the ice potion. Alternatively, you can corner glitch in but still have to go out the normal way due to the ice block.
- Gun Factory - The stage where the player may obtain a gun. In order to unlock the glass box containing the guns, the players must press the button located on the platform above the guns that spawns orange cylinders (empty casings) onto the conveyor, delivering them to a receiver. This receiver has an orange bar that fills up with every orange cylinder that gets in. The receiver requires ten orange cylinders to completely fill up the bar. When the bar fills up, the gun box automatically opens, allowing the players to obtain the guns inside. When the box will spawn three guns after the three guns a taken the gun box closes. This process may repeat 2 times There's also a glitch that gives you 2 pistols if you stand on the glass at the right spot (as of the 2/3/2021 update). However, as of the summer update, the layout of the room has been changed. The conveyor is much longer, and the floor was opened up, revealing a void and 3 catwalks. Additionally, the box was made opaque and glass walls have been installed on various places on the conveyor. Because of the layout of the conveyor, players can jump across them.
- Knife Room - The stage where it has 5 pillars and 1 shelf. You can obtain a knife here by jumping across the pillars to get to the shelf and then climbing as close as you can get to the purple brick (Alternatively you can walk on the ledge and get as close to the dark wall as possible and jump, you should be able to reach it mid-jump) After that you then must click on the glowing purple brick with a knife stuck in it. (This will not work if you are not close enough) It can be obtained an infinite number of times so long as the player does not already have a knife in their inventory as well as an invisible cooldown expires.
- The Broken Observatory - The stage that requires you to do so parkour to get from one end to another. if you fall, you will die in the lava below. as you do the obby, please beware that at one part there is a layer of Infecting Lights so you have to jump over it. There is an easter egg if you go on the first yellow ladder going in will result in the NPC version of the room creator, Small_mojo. Players can cross to the other side using a small catwalk.
- Lava Flood Room - This stage is a special stage as the lava below you rises up and falls down over a period of time. When the lava is up, the only platform you'll have are the wooden planks leading from one side to another. If the lava is down, there are also some rocks at the bottom of the area. If you are at the bottom, it's best that you get up before the lava rises back up. At the two sides of this stage are two elevators. The elevators have two buttons: one brings you up, the other brings you down. Using the buttons, it enables you to go up and down without falling. Do take note that smiles love to kill you by pressing the down button when the lava is up so it's best that you only use the lift to go up and not to go down.
- Metal Maze - This room is an easy maze which is made of metal. It has a few camera zones and a glass wall. The most notable thing in this room is that there is a truss in the back-right corner, which takes you above the maze. There is a hallway with a few buttons and rows of spears. Each button lowers their respective spears, which kill only smilers, making it a small trap. There is also a vent exit at the end of the upper part.
- NPC Lasers - This stage contains a glass floor with red and white NPCs underneath and a wall in the middle. The NPCs have lasers which come out of the floor, which is the primary danger of this room. The white NPCs will mve randomly but quickly, and red NPCs move slowly but target humans. On side of the wall is fitted with many protrusions whilst the other has four trusses.
- Shark Room - The stage where it has two boats on each side and two rafts in the middle, below is a shark that attacks any player that falls below and emits a Bite effect when a player gets bitten. Use the boats and the rafts to get across across the room. (Note: The shark can be killed by any weapon, bats, bottle etc..)
- Spleef Room - This room features two spleef boards, but adjacent vertically. Below is a large camera zone.
- Spleef Walkway -
The Spleef Walkway
- Swamp of Sadness - The stage where it has the purpose of curing the infection. The stage contains a single camera and some pillars to jump across. The Swamp of Sadness will occasionally fill with what is assumed to be tears and cure any infected that comes into contact with it. Anyone who makes contact with the tears will have their face changed into a frown. But when you touch the water as a Human, you won't frown (before in the games' early days smiles and humans frown). When a Smiling gets cured, they will make a gasping sound and then the smile turns human and will get a frown face. The following message will appear on the screen if the player touches the swamp as a smile:
- Your smile vanishes as you realize...
- The harsh reality of being human...
- The Arena -
The Arena
- The Beam Room - This stage contains 12 area which white or orange beams will rise. In the middle of the room is a button panel. Both humans and smilers can press it. If a human presses it, one beam will turn orange, but if a smiler presses it, it will revert. However, if the difference of the smiler score and human score is greater than twelve, nothing will change. This makes this room more balanced as before all the beams would change at once.
- The Black Hole - This room features a controlled black hole in a glass room. There is a button where you can activate the meltdown, where the glass with break and the black hole will begin to suck in both smilers and humans. Each time it does, it begins to expand until it gets a bit bigger than it's containment area.
- The Blob Room - This room features two large Smile Slimes, which bounce around randomly but do not infect, instead they damage. When one is killed, it splits into two medium-sized slimes, which in turn will split into two small slimes, and then tiny slimes.
- The Cabin - The stage where it is very big and confusing. Inside the cabin is a bedroom, kitchen, stairs and dead ends. The dead ends makes this place hard to navigate. There is one weapon that can be found here, alongside a potion. The hatchet is a returning item found in the Kitchen of The Cabin and the forest stage. The Invisibility Potion is a new item only found in the Bedroom of The Cabin. To navigate the cabin go right, left, up the stairs and down the stairs to make it to the other side.
- The Cage Room -
The Cage Room
- The Cave Obby - This room features a bottom of rising lava and many stone platforms. To the left you can get the shotgun after a few difficult jumps, and to the right is access to the way out, but the lava must be at its lowered state.
- The Child's Dream -
The Child's Dream
- The Coaster - This room features a spiraling rail with a yellow coaster at the start. The black parts are seats and pressing the button will launch the coaster. Once it reaches the end it will teleport back to the start. The rail is CanCollide on, so you can walk up the rail, but you can still fall between the sleepers.
- The Diagonal Room -
The Diagonal Room
- The Fort - The stage where it is at the end of the countless stages, and serves primarily as a human stronghold. The Fortress consists of a building with a Depressing Light door that can be disabled/enabled by both humans and smiles (only if they get through) & one Infecting Light (formerly two), which is outside the fort. Behind the walls of the fortress is the mountain collapse safezone, which is not crumbled in by the mountain collapse. To the right of the fortress is an area where you can toggle light spikes that can kill smilers and humans. This also connects to the outside of the mountain. Bats/katanas/branches are obtainable in that map.
- The Freezer - This room is similar to The Chiller as it will freeze players to death once inside, but only if they stay on the floor. At the start, there is a walkway which leads to the left, where you can get the ice potion. Alternatively, you can take the middle walkway to get to the right. From both directions you can access the upper walkway, where there are a few blocks of ice and a button which summons a randomly sized and coloured block of ice. From the button you can leave the room.
- The Glass Room - This room features four laser panels on the sides as well as a chute with glass walls in the middle. It also features two strips of long camera zones at the start and end of the room.
- The Giant's Room - This room is a laboratory which features a grey giant which attacks both smilers and humans once it is finished being worked on, indicated by the timer above its head. There is a red door at the end of this room, forcing you to kill the giant. Once it is dead many Smile Coins spawn around, as a small reward for killing him. Before you could walk past him but the door required you to kill him.
- The Laser Hall - This room features a small hallway, the shotgun to the left and some controls to the right. The controls are: Doors (Close the doors) and Lasers Up/Left/Right, which spawn and move the lasers respectively. Behind the controls is a truss, which takes you to a walkway above, and you can drop down to the shotgun area. If you want to get past this room you must go through the hallway.
- The Medieval Fort - This room features a medieval themed wall, which replicates the fort at the end of the cave. However, there is a button which spawns a bomb with a 20-second timer that can't kill neither smilers nor humans, but instead it is used to blow up the wall. When the wall is destroyed the laser panel isn't disabled.
- The Plank Factory - This room features a long conveyor, a control room, a pit and a hatchet which is found at the start of the conveyor. The control room has a single button which summons a log, which drops at the start of the conveyor. The conveyor has many doors which open and close randomly and kill players if they are caught underneath. Once a log enters a metal tube on the conveyor, it becomes a plank, and continues forward. Once it reaches the end of the conveyor, it falls into the pit and one smile coin is spawned at the top of it for you to collect.
- The Platform Room - This room features four red towers, four camera zones and a raised yellow platform held on by one ball constraint, allowing it to tilt every direction. As a human, be weary of smilers as they can easily drag you into the camera zones.
- The Sentry Core - This room features a floating tower with a few walkways below. At the top of the tower is a special core which will fire beams at smilers and may fire at humans. If a human touches the core, the core will alternate colors between purple and white; it will now attack any smilers. However, if a smiler stands at the core it will turn red and will attack any human. This room also features 2 red pads which launch players up into the air, sparing them from a brutal death as long as the player has a relatively low ping.
- The Shield Maze - This room is a multi-leveled maze, with three buttons and shields: Purple, Green and Blue. This room is extremely confusing because of the layout of the shields. You also cannot access the rest of the maze from the back when the blue shield is active (Unless you corner glitch through). To disable it you need to deactivate the purple shield, which is at the end, and the green shield, which is in a small corridor. Finally you can access the blue button, which is past the purple shield on the lower floor, and disable it, finally opening the blue shields.
- The Shredder -
The Shredder
- The Slope - This rooms features a large slope with many poles, 5 crevasses at the bottom and buttons at the top. The crevasses can either have a camera zone or an orange zone. The gimmick is that each button will summon a large ball which ragdolls both humans and smilers. If the player is lucky/unlucky, they can slide into the camera zones, which infects them, or depression light, which kills them. Currently there is no barrier at the bottom, which means the balls can roll into other stages or even the spawn cave.
- The Smiling Fort - The opposite of The Medieval Fort, but with 2 differences, the ribbons are red (with a Winning Smile face) instead of orange, and the bottom has a Infecting Light instead of a Depressing Light. It also has the ability to spawn bombs in it, the same as the original. Some players are confusing this as a new smile safezone.
- The Staircase Room - This room features a plethora of randomly generated staircases and portals. It is a tall room with lava at the bottom, so be careful to not fall. Near the bottom of the room there is a truss platform with a camera zone, for whatever reason.
- Waste Obby - This rooms features can grey platforms and a few planks, crates and trusses. There is toxic waste at the bottom, so don't fall. The platforms are the same color, so it can be tricky to tell where there is a gap.
- Laser Fields - This room features a field with a wall if infector lasers. At the corners of the room there are dirt pits, which lead to an underground layer. There, there are 2 more laser walls, but there are also crates and planks which can be used to climb over them.
- The Corn Lab - This room is a small cornfield in a lower portion and a window surrounding one side. In the cornfield, smilers and humans can walk through the corn, which knocks them over in the direction the player was walking, and they regenerate to standing upright between 3 and 5 seconds. On the other side of the window, there is a large wall of infecting light, which of course smilers can pass through. On the exit side of the wall, a button can be pressed to deactivate the wall. The Corn Lab also features an NPC smiler who has a small head and body colours resembling corn who hides in the cornfield and attacks players walking through it.
- The Warehouse - The warehouse is a maze made of crates, shelves and pillars. It has two layers, one on the normal layer and below. The upper layer is cut in two parts by a set of bars. Players are unable to climb up the wall or slip between the bars.
- The Pit - A large laboratory with walkways on the start and end of the room, as well as a destroyed one in the middle. On the right of the room there is a control panel, which can change the colour of the pit from white to orange and vice versa. On the left there is a tight hallway to make it to the other side of the room. Additionally, there is also a set of stairs from inside the pit to the walkway.
Other Areas
- Harpoon Hall - A place near The Fortress it has 3 buttons and 3 spears. The spear has Depressing Light on its tip. Walking on the button will launch a spear the spear only harms smiles. During the Mountain Collapse or Lava Rising the harpoon place is immune to it.
- Smile Safezone - There was a safezone for smiles that is located next to the store. It was added in the 1/20/2021 update, where it had a spawn with too much infecting light messed in the floor, going to it may easily infect the player into a smile. As of 2/3/2021 update, it now leads to a portal where it appears to have tasers in it. As of the 2/4/2021 update, the secret room has been removed due to removal from portals, tasers and smiler bases, and where it is next to the store has boulders and rocks stuck in the entrance, and next to the harpoon hall it is blocked by a light gray wall, making the players unable from accessing these areas. The creators have used to call that a "boring area". The reason for the removal was revealed in the 2/4/2021 update and later deleted in the 2/11/2021 update.
Outside of the Smile Safezone at the Harpoon Hall
Inside of the Smile Safezone at the Harpoon Hall
- Spawn - It is the place where all the players begin in. It is guarded by two Depressing Light doors. This place houses Rob, his bottles, and a weapon container storing Bats or another main weapon depending on the player's modifier. It has a Seismic Activity Machine to notify the players on how long until a Mountain Collapse or a Lava Rising occurs. It appears to be a giant cave. It has a crafting table (Currently Unusable) and some crates. There's a rug and a window to view the outside mountain. There's also a hole with glass layered on top of it. There is visible lava below. If you go in deep enough you can find a bedroom. It houses 5 bunk beds and 10 beds in total, but they have been removed in the 2/25/2021 update.
Front view of the spawn
Side view of the spawn
Back view of the spawn
Old version of the spawn
- The Spike Room - This room features three areas: The middle hall, the human room on the left and the smiler room on the right. The middle hall has some red walls as well as laser panels on both white and orange, but each has a cut in it to avoid them. Each team room also has some controls: Spike controls, door controls and panel controls. The spike controls will launch the orange/white spikes into the middle hall, making it ideal for traps. Door controls control the access door, which can become opaque, transparent, or open (Not enough info). Finally the panel control determines whether the white/orange panels are active or not. However, this stage has been removed due to its complexity.
- The Store -
The Store
- The Tunnel - The tunnel it to the right of the main cave, and it has 2 Cameras. It is a boring area with little to no activity every moment, but it can form a good route to The Fort if the start is very camped with smilers.
- Steam Room - The stage where it has four steam containers with boiling water and a metal pathway with a line of infecting light at the middle, this stage has a grey bar the grey bar will go up red when entirely red it will release steam that kills Humans and Smiles. touching the boiling water will damage you and kill you. On the right side is a truss leading up to a long, snaky walkway, which also has steam pipes around it. At the end of the walkway there is a pistol, but it has a very long cooldown. This stage has been removed from Infection Smile's main game.
- The Tall Room - This stage contains a large platform, multiple smaller platforms at the flanks and a slew of walkways below. At the very bottom is a kill-brick which kills both smilers and humans. There is also a small saferoom with a laser panel which only humans can cross. This room has been removed from Infectios Smile, possible because it was too boring.
Old Version of The Tunnel
New Version of The Tunnel
Alternate Gamemodes
Elimination follows the exact same principles of the standard game. However, all depressing lights have been removed, meaning the spawn in open, and the fort cannot be closed. There is a 30-second timer that begins every round, in which no one can become a smiler. If a player steps into a camera, they are killed. Once the 30 second timer expires, a few humans are infected at random, and the rest of the humans must survive for 5 minutes. If a human gets infected, they cannot become a human again until the timer expires. In this gamemode, the Steam Room can be found, despite it's removal from the main game.
- Rooms with depressing light are very useful to humans. For example, the Beam Room is one that you want to have control over.
- Smiler mutations are more common in this gamemode.
- Hiding does not often work well for humans. This is because of the increased rate of overseer smilers, who can see your exact location.
- There are multiple glitch spots, which can be exploited. They can be difficult to get into as a smiler due to the head rotation.
- As a human, stay with others unless absolutely necessary.
- As a normal smiler, you can use your head as a 'compass' to locate the nearest human.
In the right there is a shop button that you can buy skins, modifiers and animations. The shop button is black with a white cart in it.
Skins are purchasable in the shop. Skins change the colour and decal of the tools.
Below are the tools that skins can be used on:
- Gun
- Knife
- Sign
- Bat
- Katana
- Branch
- Shotgun
Modifiers are purchasable in the shop. World Modifiers will affect all players in the server. Weapons modifiers will change their weapons.
Here are all the modifiers in the game so far:
- Fog - 500S (Limited Vision)
- Dog View - 600S (Monochome)
- Inverted Colors - 600S
- Katana (Level 3, 1000S)
- Branch (Level 5, 1500S)
- Spear (3000S)
Important Note: World modifiers are a one-time use and require additional purchases to activate again. Purchase at your own risk.
Animations are cosmetics purchasable from the shop that changes how a player holds a weapon or get infected. There are no level requirements for Animations.
Animations for Humans
- Handgun Stance
- Gangsta (1000S)
- Tactical (1000S)
- One-Handed (1000S)
- Bat
- Chill (1000S)
- Branch
- Overhead (1000S)
- 360 Spin (1000S)
- Knife
- Reverse grip (1000S)
Animations for Smiles
- Transform
- Fall on the Ground (1000S)
- Ascend (1000S)
Game Passes
These are permanent upgrades that do various things in-game.
Gamepass | Cost | Description |
VIP | 300 Robux | Gives the player a VIP Name Tag and allows them to spawn with a knife. |
Custom Chat Color | 700 Robux | Allows the player to change their chat color using the right side pop-up buttons. |
Unused or unseen content
There are a few hidden things/easter eggs in the game
Laughablehaha's House
Before the map starts loading, you will see a house that has the creator of the game in it. The house will clip through part of the mountain if a map with a deep enough pit (such as the Lava Flooded Room) spawns in the third area down from spawn. Once this happens you can then stand on the roof when the mountain collapses to end up in the void (Assuming that the mountain collapsed instead of lava rising.)
NPC Models

If you look closely after the mountain collapse (or the rising lava) and before the map starts loading, you may sometimes see that there are NPCs outside of the game.
Update Log
Version | Release Date | Highlights and Notes |
15th 2021 Update (Event) | 4/29/2021 | - METAVERSE EVENT! Slay or Infect 3 to Earn Box - Fixed Red Katana Skin |
14th 2021 Update | 4/25/2021 | - 2 New Rare Smile Mutations - Decreased Some Laggy Parts |
13th 2021 Update | 3/25/21 | - Bug Fixes |
12th 2021 Update | 3/8/2021 | - Bug Fixes - 1 New Map & Map Improvements |
11th 2021 Update | 3/5/2021 | - Bug Fixes - Multiple Lag and Game Improvements |
10th 2021 Update | 3/4/2021 | - Bug Fixes - Multiple Lag and Game Improvements |
9th 2021 Update | 02/25/21 | - Bug Fixes |
8th 2021 Update | 02/22/21 | - 1 new map - Bug Fixes |
7th 2021 Update | 02/11/21 | - 7 new maps - Bug Fixes |
2nd 2021 Update | 02/4/2021 | - Removed smiler base so that fighting takes place on the main parts of the map - Removed tasers |
Initial Release | 11/21/20 | The game is created. |
This section is a trivia section. Please relocate any relevant information into other sections of the article.
- This game was released after only a month of development.
- The game's popularity greatly increased after the Roblox YouTuber Flamingo made a video on it.
- It was inspired by the burst of infection/transformation games as well as the 'Winning Smile' meme.
- In the thumbnail, there is a mouth used from any object show.
- That mouth is located in the left person which is a human with white eyes (with a pupil inside) next to the smile.
- This has since been removed when the left person was given the Winning Smile face
- While playing on a graphics setting below four, the bottle will appear completely white rather than green.
- The bottle is the only weapon that cannot be found in other stages and can only be obtained from Rob as of March 2021.
- You may use the bottle's ragdoll effect to knock a smiler into the Swamp of Sadness, curing them of their happiness.
- The Cabin is one of the only stages to have two items inside.
- The Fort is the only stage that appears every round.
- There is a way to see the removed smile safezone. First, go to the tunnel next to the Harpoon Hall, next, turn Shift Lock on, and last, move to right side of the wall. If you did it correct, then you will see that everything is gone except for the blank portal.
- Infectious Smile was part of the Metaverse Champions event.
The title screen of the game (2/3-4/2021 updates)
Boulders next to the store, back to where the safezone for smiles used to be here.
The removed smile safezone look like.
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